
The AI that exploded in popularity as of recently (2023) have been of a kind called LLMs or Large Language Models. As the name suggest they are massive machine learning models that have a huge number of input and evaluation points that also ingest a large amount of data.

The ultimate goal of any LLM is to predict (or generate) what words should follow given set of text (AKA a prompt). You give an LLM some text and it gives you a likely response. Its a simple concept at its core, but when some of these language models, such as OpenAI's GPT-3.5 are trained with enormous amounts of natural language data with billions of parameters they seem to acquire many complex abilities. This ability to utilize those many complex abilities makes general purpose generative AI very useful for many different things.

This was a quick overview but I highly suggest looking at Brex's Prompt Engineering Guide for a little more insight into the history of modern LLM's and why they've gotten so popular. It's also great as a prompting guide :).



Tokens are essential to how OpenAI's api works. A Token is a set of characters that the LLMs uses to help parse and determine output. According to OpenAI they are usually around "4 characters or 0.75 english words".

The number of tokens that you send to a model and the number of tokens generated for that response are what determines the cost of an API call. Different models have different token costs and are usually around a fraction of a cent per token


Embeddings are not essential to using the API but are useful to understand how LLMs work. Embeddings are a vector encoded representation of text and are mostly used to determine how related texts are. They also have use outside of AI to cluster related texts for use in searches, classification etc.


OpenAI Provides a few popular models:

There are a few different variations of these models which usually change one of the following:



Python Docs


A fairly popular python/js framework to use for LLM AI prompting and management.


The following are some of the python docs LangChain has on useful topics to get familiar with some how the framework and how LLM generative AI works in general:

Most of these are not very long, just conceptual overviews with a few examples written in python. I found them to be a good starting point to understand how something works and then diving deeper from there.


This is a major part of using langchain. Refer to Brex's Prompt Engineering Guide for a good overview.

Things I've Noted about Prompting:

  1. Try simple prompts first
  2. If that doesn't work, expand on your prompt by giving specific instructions

Be creative, think of different ways to get the AI to say what you want.

  1. If using an agent, try modifying the tool or the tool prompt.
  2. If you think your solution is too complex it probably is, try and work backwards to a better solution or look at a different solution.


Python Docs



This is a framework that improves upon LangChain and makes it easier to link data.

From what I've tried its fairly slow, and doesn't seem to offer much in the way of use flexibility. I may come back to this on a later date but for now Langchain provides me with the flexibility that I like in frameworks.



Query v.s. Chat Engines

Database Connection Strings


LangChain uses SQLAlchemy (A Python Object Relational Mapping library) for SQL database connection

The following code works if you are implicitly authenticating with the user you are logged in as on a Windows machine for MSSQL Server using LangChain's SQLDatabase wrapper:

from langchain import SQLDatabase

server = "hostname_or_ip"
database = "databasename"

db = SQLDatabase.from_uri(

If you are authenticating with SQL credentials instead use the following:

from langchain import SQLDatabase

server = "hostname_or_ip"
database = "databasename"
username = "usernamehere"
password = "passwordhere"

db = SQLDatabase.from_uri(

SQL Implementations

SQL Chain

Python Docs




Code Examples

This is an example of a chain that uses a custom prompt:

from dotenv import load_dotenv
from langchain import OpenAI, SQLDatabase, SQLDatabaseChain, PromptTemplate


server = "hostname_or_ip"
database = "databasename"

llm = OpenAI(temperature=0, verbose=True)
db = SQLDatabase.from_uri(

dbtemplate = """
Given an input question, first create a syntactically correct {dialect} query to run, then look at the results of the query and return the answer.
Use the following format:

Question: "Question here"
SQLQuery: "SQL Query to run"
SQLResult: "Result of the SQLQuery"
Answer: "Final answer here"

Only use the following tables:

Question: {input} """

dbprompt = PromptTemplate(
    input_variables=["input", "dialect"],

db_chain = SQLDatabaseChain.from_llm(
    # Check if the query that the Chain comes up with is valid

It can be run with the following:

db_chain.run(input("Question: "))

Refer to code snippets for a simple command line interface.

SQL Agent

Python Docs




Other Considerations:

Code Examples

This is much simpler as most of the setup is relegated to the langchain framework but it is highly customizable if wanted.

from dotenv import load_dotenv
from langchain import OpenAI, SQLDatabase
from langchain.agents import create_sql_agent
from langchain.agents.agent_toolkits import SQLDatabaseToolkit


server = "hostname_or_ip"
database = "databasename"

llm = OpenAI(temperature=0, verbose=True)
db = SQLDatabase.from_uri(
toolkit = SQLDatabaseToolkit(db=db, llm=llm)

agent_executor = create_sql_agent(

It can be run with the following:

agent_executor.run(input("Question: "))

Refer to code snippets for a simple command line interface.

LlamaIndex Implementation


Code Examples

The following is a custom class I made that generates the SQL Database's index and creates a query or chat engine.

# Typing imports
from typing import Union, Optional, List, Any
from llama_index.response.schema import RESPONSE_TYPE
from llama_index.indices.query.schema import QueryType
from llama_index.indices.query.base import BaseQueryEngine
from llama_index.chat_engine.types import BaseChatEngine

import os
from llama_index import SQLStructStoreIndex, SQLDatabase, VectorStoreIndex, StorageContext, load_index_from_storage
from llama_index.indices.struct_store import SQLContextContainerBuilder
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, URL

# Wrapper around the process of creating and SQL Query Engine
class SQLAIEngineGenerator:
    def __init__(
            url: Union[str, URL], 
            query_string: QueryType, 
            tables: Optional[Union[List[str], None]] = None,
            debug: bool = False,
        ) -> None:
        A wrapper around the setup of a query or chat engine. The class simply creates an index for a query and chat engine to be initiated. Class methods are then used to generate the Chat engine and the Query engine.

        url: URL connection string for the SQLAlchemy engine. Refer to SQLAlchemy docs for more information.
        tables: Tables to include within the database.
        query_string: An example question to ask the engine to identify the context.
        debug: add logging for debugging

        if debug:
            # Lazy load
            import logging

            logging.basicConfig(filename="index.log", filemode="w", level=logging.DEBUG)

        # Error if no OpenAI key detected
        if os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY")  is None:
            raise KeyError("No OpenAi API key found.")

        # Define database and create and store schema
        engine = create_engine(url)
        database = SQLDatabase(engine, include_tables=tables)
        context_builder = SQLContextContainerBuilder(database)

        db_schema_index = context_builder.derive_index_from_context(


        context_container = context_builder.build_context_container()

        self.index = SQLStructStoreIndex(

    def create_chat_engine(self) -> BaseChatEngine:
        return self.index.as_chat_engine()
    def create_query_engine(self) -> BaseQueryEngine:
       return self.index.as_query_engine()

Schema Indexing

A somewhat of what LlamaIndex does but with some improvements to flexibility



Changes to the Standard Implementation

Improvements to be Made

View Schema Prompt Injection


Prompt Injection

Have not tried this yet

A system where a user sends a prompt to our program and we modify that prompt with data stored from a database and then send it to the OpenAI API.

Promptify is a NLP (Natural Language Processing) library that may be useful for this idea.



Code Snippets

This is a useful function to interact with an Agent or Chain in the command line:

from langchain.chains.base import Chain
from langchain.agents import AgentExecutor

def mainEventLoop(aiObject: AgentExecutor | Chain):
    while True:
            userInput = input("User: ")
            if userInput.lower() in ["exit", "close"]:
            ai_response = aiObject.run(userInput)
            print(f"AI: {ai_response}")

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
        except InvalidRequestError as err:



General Docs

Most of the following is links to reading and resources that could be helpful when looking into OpenAI and GPT: