
This note page goes over a collection of different low-level computing concepts. They appear in no particular order and mostly exist here because they have nowhere else to exist.

Data Types

While all data in a computer is stored as logical bit, a collection of bits can be encoded in a specific way to represent a few basic data types. These are a few primitive data types, or the most basic of data types and their properties.

Data type Size Range
char 1 Byte [-128,+127]
unsigned char 1 Byte [0, 255]
short int 2 Bytes [-32768,+32767]
unsigned short int 2 Bytes [0, 65535]
int 2 or 4 Bytes [215, 2151] or [231, 2311]
long int 4 or 8 Bytes [231, 2311] or [263, 2631]
long long int 8 Bytes [263, 2631]
float 4 Bytes [3.4E-38, 3.4E+38]
double 8 Bytes [1.7E-308, 1.7E+308]
long double 10 Bytes [3.4E-4932, 3.4E+4932]


Numbers can be represented in a few different ways in computers. While most people are used to the decimal numbering system, computers use a variety of different positional based numbering systems for efficiency.

Positional System Base Allowed Digits
Binary 2 0,1
Octal 8 0-7
Decimal 10 0-9
Hex 16 0-9, A-F (A=10 ... F=15)

In the positional numbering system values are determined by a base, positional index, and digit. To convert from an alternate number system to decimal you take sum of the base to the power of the positional index times the digit (baseindexdigit).

e.g. 1125 in base 8 converts to 597 in decimal


Fractional Numbers

There are two types of fractional numbers floats and doubles. doubles provide more bits for more accuracy.


The IEEE 754 floating point number is a standard for representing a floating point number.

Decimal -> IEEE 754


The double provides more bits than the float for more accuracy.

Signed Numbers

Number systems have to take into account that negative numbers have to be represented in some way. There are a few different methods to representing numbers as positive or negative (aka. signed).

Sign Magnitude

This simply reserves the first bit of a number to represent its sign. While its a simple solution it has a few issues.

Two's Compliment

This implementation removes the issue of ambiguous zero and makes arithmetic much easier. Similar to signed numbers two's compliment uses the first bit as a sign indicator but instead uses an alternate system to represent negative numbers.


0111 represents +7 with two's compliment and signed numbers
1111 represents -1 with two's compliment and -7 with signed numbers.

The two's compliment of a number can be obtained using the following steps:

e.g 28 in binary is 00011100

11100011 <- Inverted
11100100 <- Add one

Quick conversion

Alternatively you can invert all the the digits from the MSB to the LSB up until but not including the last '1'.

e.g. for 0001_1010_1000 we would invert the digits 0001_1010 and keep the last 1000 to make 1110_0101_1000

Addition can be performed as usual, however to subtract we would negate the right operand and add instead.

Converting two's compliment mostly involves the regular conversion of multiplying the bit by 2m where m is the position in the bit-array starting from 0 on the LSB. However, the MSB is multiplied by 231 instead.

Signed extension Takes the MSB and extends it to the additional digits.


A logical left shift of n bits will multiply a binary number by decimal 2n.

e.g. 00001111 (15) when shifted 2 bits to the left becomes 00111100 (60) which is exactly 1524


Overflow occurs when the maximum value of a number representation is exceeded. For example a 32-bit integer has a max value of 232. If that value is exceeded the integer will "reset" to decimal 0.



Registers are a fast form of storage which processors use to manipulate data. They are usually implemented with flip-flops, and while the costs is high, the speed benefits greatly.

Functions (C)

There are two types of functions, caller and callee. The caller function calls the callee function (think employer - employee). Both functions need to use the same sets of registers to execute the call, so we implement caller-saved and callee-saved or call-clobbered and call-preserved registers.


Call-clobbered registers hold temporary values, aka. volatile data. So for that reason are saved by the caller function. This usually entails pushing them onto the stack or saving them to memory. It is fairly normal to let the callee function destroy values in these registers. The values can be restored after the callee function has finished executing.


Call-preserved registers hold values across calls, or non-volatile data. This puts the responsibility of preserving register values on the callee function as the caller function expects all register values to be unchanged when returned. The callee can access values from the caller with this method.

Within functions, all declared variables and assigned variables are put onto the stack unless static. All variables defined outside a function are defined in uninitialized data.


Least Significant Bit

The least significant bit or LSB is the furthest right bit in a binary number. It is named as such due to its low "value".

Most Significant Bit

The most significant bit or MSB is the furthest left bit in a binary number. It is named as such due to its high "value".


A bit is a the smallest piece of information a modern computer can hold. A bit is a binary value that is usually represented as 1/0 but can also be represented as true/false, on/off, yes/no etc.

Fun fact

Bit is a portmanteau of binary digit.


A byte is a collection of 8 bits.


When put in an acronym a bit will be represented with a capital 'B'.
e.g 100 MB would be 'one hundred megabytes'


  1. Hoque, Tamzidul Various Lectures The University of Kansas 2024
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit